I just stumbled upon this old blog and thought that it would be on its place to make an update, in case anyone find themselves on this page. And since you're reading this, someone apparently does. I can officially say that there's never going to happen anything to this blog, it's going to stay like this for a long time. Maybe until the next ice age, when all humans are gone and Google's servers are frozen to death. Servers can definitely freeze to death.

Anyway, I'm going to write this in capitals and highlight it, so it attracts attention, IF YOU WANT TO USE THIS DOMAIN NAME, PLEASE WRITE ME, and I will give it to you, if I like you. And I probably do, is there a reason not to? Feel free to think about that. I don't want to close this side without a reason, for nostalgic sake I guess.

If you would like to see what I'm doing (design and art stuff), you can go to my new website: http://hansaugust.com. Actually it's not done yet, but this time I'm pretty certain it will happen. I have a tendency to not finish stuff, but now it's about my career, so there's a bit of pressure, which sometimes help, even though I don't like to admit it, since I don't like pressure.

That was a lot of nonsense, bear with me. Thanks for reading it anyway, and remember: There is no truth, you can make one up if you like, but most importantly enjoy the moment, eat your vegetables and be optimistic.

The beginning

Now the blog is up, but I have no idea, how long it will take, before some content appears. For now I'm just focusing on the design.

However, for you who don't know what this is all about, which should be everyone, this is going to be a collection of reviews of the games I've played, that made a special impression on me. Some games are in my opinion pure art. A game can make a picture alive and create a mood like nothing else, and a really good one of the kind can drag you into another world! You can call it a reinvention of installation art, but yet you won't find them on many museums (though there are a few of them). Games are an overlooked sort of art, and that's a fact, that I will do my best to kill.